
Landing point

There are pictures not reflected nothing
I do not remember to be what has wanted to take

When and where did it take
Or Who took

Is only darkness question
It has been submitted

Such as the ground after thaw
Such as the pillars of the stain

Flow who can not be known

Not to prove
Just trying to exchange

Not to try to exist
Just an attempt to present

Distant town of paddy
Show window mannequins

Though I can not remember
It scatters footprints

Light of eternity
Image of the infinite

Full of landing point

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シンプルな問いと答え クローバーを探すわ 四つ葉のクローバーを探すわ 追いついたかしら? パステル色のカエルさん 揺れてるブランコ スカート 今もパレード こぶしを握る 傾きかけた人生 真っ白な造花の薔薇に 赤いスプレーかけていく わたしだったらそうするな わたしだったらそうする...